Oat and lavender lathers for bedtime shower
Wind down before bed with a warm shower and beary relaxing lathers. A calming blend of lavender, chamomile and neroli oils calms the mind while oat and lavender flower infusion soothes and gently cleanses the skin. Get ready for a deep sleep!
What's in it for you?
- An oat and lavender flower infusion soothes and gently cleanses skin.
- Lavender and chamomile oils to help you wind down before bed.
- Neroli oil has a calming and uplifting aroma.
Leaving the world Lusher than we found it
- This self-preserving product is formulated to stay fresh and effective without added synthetic preservatives listed under Annex V of the EU Cosmetic Regulations (EC) No 1223/2009.
How to use:
Hop in a warm shower, lather up and relax.
How to store:
Store with the lid closed between uses.